Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Masculinity in Serial Killer Movies

I was quite impressed with the article. I have always been a huge fan of serial killer movies and never really noticed that all the killers were white middle class men. It intrigued me to think that these men were killing as a means to defend their masculinity in the vast numbers of middle class white men. Its strange and yet at the same time it makes sense to think that a man would need to murder in order to feel fulfillment of his masculinity.

I am a huge fan of American Pyscho. The movie always left me feeling as though all of the male characters in that movie were missing something. Each of them worked to maintain their positions in the social elite, yet none did anything that truly identified them as individual and separate. The other male characters around Bateman were completely interchangeable. They were as plain as the business cards they all were obsessed with showing eachother. The fact that Bateman resorted to murder to feel whole and to take apart society finally makes sense. It was his attempt at exemplifying himself against the multitudes of men just like him.

I do not agree however that most serial killers are some sort of sexual deviant. Sexual abuse is not the only catalyst of violent behavior. For some it can simply be a personality quirk that makes murder seem okay and enjoyable. I do admit it can be attributed to most, but not all of the male serial killers. It makes for interesting movie scripts but I would like to see a movie where a serial killer isn't motivated by defending his masculinity. I would like to see a movie where the serial killer is driven by sheer desire of the kill. That would be interesting to see. Creating a cultured man with feral tendencies. Maybe thats the true reason behind some serial killers it is their primal predatorial call for domination. Who knows, but its a thought

I am truly intrigued as to what research says about a female serial killer. It seems to be a topic not many people want to discuss. Is it that women are supposed to represent all that is good and whole in society? Or is it that people do not believe women are capable of committing systematic murders? I am not quite sure and it bothers me. I did a little research on the topic and many of the sites said that women do not often get caught because they have motive and purpose to their murders. Don't male serial killers have motive and purpose to their murders as well? I do understand that in some cases of male v. female serial killers that there are distinctions but is there really that much of a difference?

I would love to see what a writer could do with a serial killer slasher movie that utilizes a female serial killer and other aspects that completely separate it from the general white middle class male based movies. I think it would reveal the taboos that people are so afraid to talk about when it comes to pain and serial murders. There is so much that can be said yet so many people only focus on a small aspect of it.

I find it quite strange that I am this interested in this topic. Why are people so obsessed with death and murder? Sontaug mentioned this in her book and we are greeted with sights of it daily on the tv, in the paper, and through various other sources. What is it about violent deaths that fascinates and captivates an audience. Is it the question of whether you as an individual would ever be capable of such atrocities or is that you just can't seem to pull your eyes away? Or is it even that we enjoy see the horrible things that people can do to each other. I am not quite sure, but I do know I enjoy slasher films and serial killer films. I tend to prefer them over chick flicks and comedies.